Our Current Projects
We believe in connecting YOU with opportunities to pray, serve, and give to our special projects. These projects come to us at the request of our global Ministry Partners. As specific needs arise or as our partners develop fresh vision, we make these new and time-sensitive opportunities available to any who would like to give.
Disciplemaking Training: India, Malawi, Philippines
$500–5000 per Regional Conference
(cost varies by country)
We are planning major trainings this coming year as the interest is swelling for our partners to train young followers of Jesus to share the gospel naturally in their villages and regions. Transportation, lodging, village gifts, and conference food are included.
Bicycles: Malawi
$100 each
Reducing a two-day trip on foot to four hours on bike extends the gospel through ambitious evangelists hungry to share the good news!
Maize Grinders: Malawi
$950 per village
Local believers will bring blessing to their whole community and gain favor as they reduce the tedious hours needed for a village to manually grind maize every day. Eight villages are spiritually ripe to receive this physical help!
Computers: India
Our partner Santosh is requesting 10 computers for his IT Education Institute. This will break cycles of poverty for village youth as they are trained vocationally in technology.
Church & Community Centers: Philippines
$4000 each
Aeta villages around the Mt. Pinatubo volcano are choosing to follow Jesus, Discovery Bible Studies are forming, and new Jesus followers are planting churches. To assist them, GS has been funding simple church buildings that will withstand the severe weather and insects and provide space for discipleship training. These buildings are blessing their villages, being used for both worship and village activity.
Bibles & Audio Bibles: Malawi
Many yearn to read about our God in their own heart language but lack opportunity. Our partners will wisely spread Bibles around to many villages where Discovery Bible Studies have begun, and key people are surfacing, hungry to grow in Christ.
Fresh Water Well: India
Deadly diseases ravage many villages due to unclean water. A strategically-placed well can significantly reduce sickness.